Lenora's Jukebox

James in Rockford, IL 14 February 1998

My very first time seeing James live was in Rockford, IL at Memorial Hall.

I saw James live the first time 14 February 1998. We met up with some listers for dinner beforehand. I really enjoyed chatting and getting to know everyone! After a huge meal (it was an all-you-can-eat buffet, and my Dad certainly took advantage!), we headed over to the Memorial Hall.

We sat pretty much together, towards the front. I was in about the 3rd or 4th row. Pretty good seats! It was a small hall, so there wasn't really a bad seat in the house! I went over to the table where they were selling CDs and bought Free Lance Human Being -- I'd ordered Domino Harvest beforehand to have an exposure to James' solo efforts before the concert but FLHB was scheduled to ship just a couple days before the concert so I didn't think it would arrive in time. I enjoyed looking at the photos (and learning that a couple had been taken by listers that I'd just met was really groovey!) until a man came out to introduce James.

I barely remember the show -- mostly happy memories now, but I remember James played mostly FLHB and DH songs. "Jericho Wind" (my favorite), "Sometime in Between", "Fairweather Town", "Even Cowgirls Get The Blues", "Three Monkeys" (this performance caused me to fall in love with that song!), and more that I've forgotten. I do remember this -- that was the best performance!!!

Of course, Genessee Depot in Wisconsin was even better -- but that's another review.

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Hosted by Tripod

Created by Lenora McCoy

Last updated 21 AUG 98

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